What should be the official website of the company?

What should be the official website of the company?

Once the head of a small company decides how to deal with the Internet ...
Nick Head of Sales

Printed 2023-06-20

Once the head of a small company decides how to deal with the Internet. What should be done?  Order a turnkey website , plan your promotion ... But what should it be, the official website of the organization? 

In general, there are no formal site requirements for an ordinary small company. If contact information is being collected on the site (for example, there is a callback form), then you must place a personal data agreement in accordance with 152-FZ. Also, if your activity is licensed, you need to show the relevant documents. 

Well, the "human" requirements for the site are simple. It should be immediately (in 3 seconds) clear what the site is about and what the company is doing. Answers should be given to the key questions the visitor has. Usually these are questions about the list of services and goods, prices, terms of cooperation. Of course, we need a section with contact information and feedback methods. 

State -owned companies

The list of materials required to be posted on the website of a state organization is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of ministries. This list is different for each industry. For example, the site of an educational organization must have a section “Information about an educational institution” with a clearly defined data set. The Ministry of Education even requires the use of special micro-marking so that their robot, bypassing all educational sites, automatically records violations. 


For such forms of organization there are requirements. A public company is obliged to publish:

  • Its textter
  • Goals and mission
  • Information about the board of directors
  • Ready-made reports and other documents. 

However, they like to describe the “mission” on the website and the companies are simpler. Probably, to join in the bigger :)

In general, there are as many opinions about what the official website of the company should be like the companies themselves.