How to make a landing: yourself or in agencies

How to make a landing: yourself or in agencies

Landing page is a powerful and effective online marketing tool. How to make a landing?
Alex HTML-developer

Printed 2012-03-20

Landing page is a powerful and effective online marketing tool. How to make a landing? By yourself or order turnkey website development through an agency? How to achieve high conversion and get good bids? 

Where to start

Regardless of whether you will be landing on your own or using the services of specialists, you should first make a prototype of it. No one (including marketers of any agency) knows your product like you! Therefore, a simple sketch (on paper or in any program, such as Balsamiq or Mocqup) will be very useful before starting work. 

Think about what you first need to tell the visitor who first appeared on your landing page, and arrange the blocks of the future site in order of priority. You need to highlight the main thing and push to the background the secondary. There is a good rule: in 3 seconds, any visitor should understand what your landing page is about and why it can be useful to him! 


The next task is to prepare photos, videos and blanks for landing pages. This will also be needed in any case: if the studio will do the landing, then you will be asked for these materials at the start or in the process. And if you decide to make a landing on your own, then all this will come in handy immediately. 

Terms of Reference

This item can be skipped if you will do everything yourself. And for a web studio, agency or freelancer with whom you will work, you need a clear description of your task. 

Don’t get carried away too much: TK for landing should not be a ten-page document (this will only scare away your contractors). However, all the key issues and requirements are worth registering. 

Working with the designer

Self-development of the landing involves the use of any site designer. Take your choice carefully: in every such service there are “pitfalls” that will appear either immediately or after a while. The smallest functions will turn out to be paid, not to mention the opportunity to transfer the landing page to your domain or download its template for placement on your hosting. 

Using the constructor, remember that you will always depend on the owner of this service! 

Nowadays, there is no big problem in creating a single page. How to make a landing (independently or not at all) is up to you. And in each case, the answer will be different depending on the task that the site will have to solve.