How to increase website loading speed

How to increase website loading speed

When was the last time you enjoyed a longing? Never? We too :)
Alex HTML-developer

Printed 2012-11-20

When was the last time you enjoyed a longing? Never? We, too :)

Nowadays, people are not used to waiting, and if you make them watch how slowly and slowly your site loads, you will lose visitors and sales. To make matters worse, Google and Yandex take into account the site's loading speed in ranking algorithms - which means that if your site is slower than your competitor, you will give part of the traffic to the competitor! 

Fortunately, there is a set of measures that need to be taken to reduce the load time of the site. Once the turnkey site development is complete, it's worth checking the download speed optimization. You should start with testing: here you will find services such as Google PageSpeed __Insights and Pingdom Speed __Test. They will give you a good idea of __what secretly elements of your site slow down loading. 

After you have checked the site loading speed, the next step is optimization. Start by improving the elements of the site that tests have shown are the slowest. And then use any additional features to optimize the overall speed of the site. 

How to reduce site loading time

Here are some recommendations for speed optimization:

  • Removing obsolete plugins that use heavy code (for example, Flash ), and replacing them with lighter HTML5
  • Reorganization of the content structure, image optimization to ensure a fully responsive website structure and better viewing on mobile devices
  • Caching any static content to reduce redundant requests sent to your host server
  • Reducing scripts to remove any unnecessary whether there are unnecessary textacters from your source code
  • Switching to scalable hosting for the site, for example, managed hosting that allows you to quickly increase traffic. 

In the infographic below, there are additional information on how to optimize the site loading speed. Implement these methods and don't risk money by giving away traffic to your competitors for a slow site!