How to find out what the site works on?

How to find out what the site works on?

How to find out what a competitor's site is working on? Or your own, if access to the control system is lost
Alex Head of Development

Printed 2022-07-20

How to find out what a competitor's site is working on? Or your own if access to the control system is lost. 

The first way is to check for the most popular control systems. To do this, you need to add to the site address the login address in the admin panel of the corresponding CMS. Here are some of the most popular:

  • 1C-Bitrix. Login to the admin site
  • WordPress. Login to the admin site
  • CS-Cart (for online stores). Login to the admin site
  • OpenCart (for online stores). Login to the admin site
  • Joomla. Login to the admin site

If these options do not fit, then either the control system is different or the CMS login address is changed (this is sometimes done to protect against hacking). Then you can use some specialized service


For example, you can use these:

  • https: // 2ip .ru / cms /

They check the site for the presence of files specific to a particular system. If this method also did not give a result, then either your site is running on “bare” HTML code without an admin panel, or a “self-written”, rare CMS is used. Well, in other cases, you can find out what the site works with, in a couple of minutes.