Necessary site pages

Necessary site pages

Gentlemen's set for a corporate site
Alex Head of Development

Printed 2006-03-20

The company website has the task of telling visitors two things: what they need to know in order to make a reasonable decision about the purchase of your products, and what you yourself want to tell them. You can order a site development with an almost unlimited number of pages, but the main ones are:


Despite the fact that there are many approaches to the design and content of the main (home) page, an effective “home” briefly and succinctly informs the visitor at once all the most important information: who you are, what you do and why the visitor should be interested. 

Customers , reviews, studies

If you are a B2B marketer, you understand that your potential customers want to know which companies, especially in their industry, you have already collaborated with. This information can be on the "Clients" page, where these companies are listed in alphabetical order, with distribution by industry or other categories. 

Testimonials should be successful cases of satisfied customers. You should have a page describing a specific case, because many potential customers will ask if they can see real-life examples of using your product or service. 

And case studies are more detailed stories about how your product or service helps customers solve a problem and get benefits, such as saving time or money (or increasing profits). 

Products and services

Each product or service that you sell must have its own description page. Depending on what you sell, the description should include the name and model number, a photo of the product, a story about what it is, what it does, advantages, color, material, options and accessories, dimensions, product specifications and visitor button . You must be able to click to order a product, or at least request a more detailed description, such as a brochure in PDF or CP format. 

How we work

For a site in the service sector, this page, usually called “How we work”, describes your workflow for potential customers and clients. If you have a production, then quality control and certification documents (ISO 9002, GMP, FDA) can be a useful part of such a page. 

This page tells potential customers how you are doing your business. In addition, customers like it when there is a common page with a description of the process, which they can always go to later, already in the process of cooperation, and compare what was promised with reality. 

About us

The page "About us" or "About the company" is the business card of your company - or, if the company has long been on the market, the history of the company. This is important because customers want to know more not only about the products you sell, but also about who they buy these products from. 

Reputation and experience are priceless. Have you been in business for 10 or 100 years? Do you have thousands of satisfied customers around the world? Or seven service centers across the country? The idea is to show that your company is innovative, service oriented and quality oriented, customer oriented, but at the same time experienced and well established. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This page consists of frequently asked questions about you and your products from potential and real customers. Responses should provide the information they are looking for, as well as work out any negative or objection. You can use frequently asked questions to clarify any misunderstanding with the buyer, as well as make additional points of sale or emphasize the benefits already shown in other sections of the site. 

Articles and library

Blog articles and posts fall into a broad category of useful content, information and tips regarding your products and their applications. You can start small and then create your own library of articles and technical documents. This is useful for two reasons. First, the content helps strengthen your credibility and convince you are an expert in your industry, niche, or skill set. Secondly, articles and official documents, especially if they contain keywords by which your potential customers are looking for what you are selling, increase your position in search engines. 


The advantage of having a blog is that weekly or daily publications lead to more frequent updates to the content of your site. This is another textacteristic that “likes” Google and Yandex and improves search engine ranking. In addition, the blog comment feature provides two-way communication with your visitors, creating a more “sense of community” and allowing you to collect ideas and suggestions. 


The Press About Us, or Media, is an online archive of press releases. They give visitors useful content, while also optimizing your site for search engines. 

Contact page

It is desirable that the name of your company, postal address, telephone, instant messengers, email address, social network accounts, be indicated on the main page (or on a separate contact page), as well as a form that a visitor can fill out and submit to ask a question or leave a request. 

Calls to Action

Calls to Action (CTA) are text, individual pages or forms that call a visitor to an action (usually with a free offer). You can assign each CTA a unique label for analytics systems (Google Analytics and Yandex Metric).