Why the site does not sell. Why no sales?

Why the site does not sell. Why no sales?

An effective website is essentially a salesperson working around the clock and seven days a week. How to make him the most valuable employee?
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2004-05-20

An effective website is essentially a salesperson working around the clock and seven days a week. This "sales representative" works for you while you sleep, play, serve customers, spend time with your family or work - every hour and every second your site can grow your business. If you order website development from competent specialists, he will work as a well-trained salesperson - attract potential customers, invite them to study your products, communicate with them, make appointments and close sales. This is a tireless worker who never sleeps, works all year round and faithfully serves you. 

On the other hand, if your site is not optimized for this purpose, it is an inefficient employee. Considering statistics showing that 97 percent of small businesses are currently online, it's extremely disadvantageous if your site does not collect potential customers, does not help you make sales, and does not strengthen marketing. If you are in business to sell construction services, training, software, online products or something else - there is a high probability that your potential customers will find you on the Internet. But finding is only part of the way; What's important is what happens on your site when a potential customer visits it. 

Two main tasks of the site

If your site does not provide two tasks, then it's just a seller who is not able to perform his main work. In an interview with Ryan Stewman, CEO of Hardcore Closer, he said: “All sellers actually work in two directions. They are engaged in the generation of leads and their closure for sale. A good seller knows how to generate leads and how to make sales. And the best way to do this is through traffic to your site. “In other words, if you have an optimized site, you can constantly generate leads and thus increase sales. 

A first-class site, like a first-class seller, collects data and tries to use this information to work with potential customers, and then turns it into a profit. Let's figure out how to achieve this so that your website converts and sells better. 

Gathering information

According to Nielson Research, most people will leave your website in less than a minute, which means that you have very little in If you analyze your habits, you will find that, like most people on any site (except social networks, IVI and Netflix), your stay is quite short, which means that as soon as someone will be on your site, the most important task will not be to keep it there, but to ensure that the necessary data is collected so that a new touch can occur. 

High conversion sites

Most sites do not convert well because business owners do not know the main tasks of the site, and therefore they ignore the mechanisms that could optimize their site for sales. On many sites, Facebook, Google, Vkontakte, and Yandex.Metrica pixels are not installed, and they are not suitable for collecting email addresses. 

Optimization for these two main tasks is simple and can be done quite easily. The Facebook pixel can be easily installed without special knowledge, and as soon as this happens, each visitor to your site will be in the register of data collected for Facebook and Vkontakte, which will allow you to place cheap advertising for these users there (and on Instagram). 

Then, in order for your site to be optimized for high conversion, you need to collect emails from visitors. You can do this by systematically placing e-mail collection forms on the site. By collecting this data, you can create new points of contact using email automation services, targeted advertising, and other marketing tools. 

These rules seem simple and even obvious, but a careful look at the sites of many companies shows the opposite.