Mobile gaming statistics relevant to marketers today

Mobile gaming statistics relevant to marketers today

In 2021, expect game development engines like Unity and Unreal to improve their offerings
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2020-09-30

Mobile games exceeded expectations in terms of revenue generation. Mobile games should hit $ 35 billion by the end of 2016, but actual revenue was over $ 40.6 billion. Asia has the highest turnover in mobile games at $ 24.8 billion. North America and Europe rank second and third in mobile game revenue at $ 6.9 billion and $ 5.7 billion, respectively. Mobile games can generate revenue in a number of ways, including app purchases, in-app purchases, and third-party advertising.

In 2021, expect game development engines like Unity, Word trip and Unreal to improve their offerings. This will lead to the ability of game developers to take the ball and run with it. Such improvement will allow them to have more control over the game development process, explore their creativity, and develop more engaging products.

We can also expect top gaming platforms like Epic Games and Roblox to make gaming more fun and exciting. Expect them to show more innovation by pouring more music and film into games, making the experience more fun and exciting.