If you already have a layout of your CV, but are afraid that you can't handle the content itself, you can safely outsource the writing to professionals.

Printed 2022-04-30

Standard CVs no longer impress anyone. The worst case is when we have done everything according to a template found somewhere on a website, or copied the layout of such a template from the internet. It turns out, however, that we are not the only ones who have done the same thing and future employers receive many applications which look the same, with slightly modified content. Competition on the job market is so intense that it's no longer enough just to write something. You have to stand out in the maze of job offers and try to make original documents that recruiters will pay attention to immediately. The best way to do this is with a resume checker.
Getting the pages and text right
At the very beginning of writing a good CV, you should start with the layout of the text itself. The principles of writing are very similar to those for dissertations. Margins, tabs, line spacing - everything should be consistent with each other and evenly spaced. Also, if there are elements that should be highlighted, such as responsibilities or courses taken. Each dot should start in the same place and should be marked with the same symbol. This can be a hyphen, a full stop or something else. It is important that the same symbol is used each time.
Personal details and photo
The next step is to organize all the text in the document. Let's start with our first and last name. Then put our contact number and email address instead of our address. In the beginning, recruiters will have little interest in where we live. If they're interested, they'll call, so it's worth posting our number in a prominent place.
Photographs with a monochrome background and a clearly visible face are best. Depending on the space available on the document, it may be a photo of just the face or the whole picture up to the torso.
Education and experience
Next you will enter the rest of your CV. There are two schools of thought here - which to put first: education or work experience. Everyone has their own arguments for what to put first. If our education has nothing to do with our work experience, it is advisable to put it later. All start and finish dates should be inserted equally, starting from the same place each time.
You should state your position and what you have done/are doing in your job. The more precisely you describe it, the better for you. But not too much, because recruiters don't always want to read several pages of your CV.
Additional courses, language skills, driving licence
The next step is to describe any additional skills, courses taken etc. It's best to start with your driving licence - these days it's important, even if your job is local. Next, languages - you need to describe the level of language skills as well.
The last thing we describe are our interests. There is no need to write a lot here. A few succinct sentences are enough. In fact, it is the least important element of the whole document.
A few words at the end
You also need to know how to properly insert content, highlight all the elements of your professional experience, education, from the perspective of your future employer, and in the case of industries like advertising or computer graphics and the like, a standard written document is worthless because it should also contain a sample of your abilities, i.e. graphics, photographs - something that should spark the interest of your future employer.
If you already have a layout but are afraid that you cannot cope with the description of the content itself, you can safely outsource the writing to professionals.