How to index a site in Yandex

How to index a site in Yandex

It is necessary for the site to be visible in search engines: how to index it in Yandex?
Julia SEO marketer

Printed 2001-06-20

When you have finally completed the turnkey website development, the following question arises. It is necessary for the site to be visible in search engines: how to index it in Yandex? 


First, create a regular Yandex account (or use an existing one) and register the site with Yandex.Webmaster 

Thanks to this, the search engine will quickly learn about the appearance of a new site and send a robot to it for indexing. 

Re-indexing of pages

If the site has existed for a long time, and you, for example, need to index its updated version (or some separate pages), use the reindexing service in Yandex.Webmaster. 

Enter the addresses of the necessary pages, and within a day the Yandex robot will visit these pages and enter them in the index (or update information about them). 


Another way to accelerate indexing is to show Yandex the activity on the site. You can use several options for this:

  • Buy traffic from Yandex.Direct. Representatives of the search engine officially refute the connection between the search performance of the site and the fact that it is advertised for a fee. But it seems to be there :)
  • Get traffic from social networks. It can be paid traffic from targeted advertising, it can be purchased posts or tweets (retweets), or it can be clicks from your own post or from private messages; 
  • Get traffic in any other legal way. "Lawful" means that they must be living people, not bots. For example, it may be clicks from other sites. 

In addition, if you want to index the site faster in Yandex, do not forget about standard technical details: sitemap.xml file and robots.txt file