Now even schoolchildren are doing this. But what is SMM and why have these three letters become so popular?

Printed 2011-01-20
Now even schoolchildren are doing this. But what is SMM and why have these three letters become so popular?
SMM, or Social Media Marketing, is the common name for any promotion through social networks. Large companies, small businesses or individuals can promote and advertise.
Components SMM
- Classic Marketing
- Account Design
- Content
- Promotion
Although SMM is a new and constantly changing direction of advertising, for it the fundamental principles of conventional marketing are fair. Therefore, any serious work on SMM-promotion begins with the preparation of a strategy (general plan: what, how, why and for what audience we will do).
The next step is the creation and registration of accounts in social networks. It is much easier and faster than, for example, creating your own website. Nevertheless, you need to design your Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram pages wisely: briefly explain the essence of what you offer, beautifully create an account, and so on.
Any account is dead without filling. Regular, diverse, catchy content is the key to success. Therefore, an important stage in SMM is the creation of a publication plan (content plan), preparation of photos and videos, writing texts. Depending on the goals and budget, these can be simple photos and videos from life taken on the phone, or they can be professional shoots with cool production.
A beautiful and interesting account is great, but who will know about it? Advertising is required to recruit subscribers who will follow publications. This may be paid targeted advertising on the social network itself, or it may be arrangements with other users / bloggers who advertise your account.
What is SMM, we generally figured out. But the main thing to keep in mind: this is the MOST fast-paced region of advertising. The SMM market grows twice in a year, so the sooner you enter it, the more benefits you can get :)