How to cheat on Instagram

How to cheat on Instagram

Free and almost free ways to collect likes
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2029-06-20

It's ridiculous, but this question worries both schoolchildren and entrepreneurs, and any SMM agency . How and where to get likes on Instagram? And most importantly - why? 

As for schoolchildren and, especially, schoolgirls, they usually want to cheat in order to seem more popular. True, peers basically already understand that cheating is available to everyone, and less is done on it. What about entrepreneurs? 

Increase engagement

Since Insta shows posts in the feed not by publication date, but by popularity, cheating likes allows you to bypass the social network algorithms and show your posts higher. 

Moreover, if the wrap is large-scale (and not only likes, but also comments and saves), the publication has a chance to go to the sections “TOP Instagram” and “Recommended”. 

Important: you need to have time to do the wrapping up within half an hour after the release of your post. 

Cheat via Liketime

A completely free way to cheat likes is to participate in interactive posts, which can be found by the hashtag # liketime and the like. 

The bottom line is that in the comments on the post-interactive in Insta participants write comments asking for likes. Write a comment in the format “Likes mutually, 2/2”. This means that you promise to give 2 likes to everyone who puts you two likes. And vice versa. 

The advantage of the method is that likes are free from live, active users. Minus - it takes a lot of time (at least half an hour to win likes on one post). 


If you have some money, you can use special services for wrapping. They use bot bases, which can give you hundreds of likes in a short time for a few rubles. Here are a couple of examples:

Pluses of the method: quickly, in any volume, you can set up automatic likes on new posts and not think about it at all. Cons: Like bots, not live users, and requires no expenses. 

Summary: if you are looking for where to get likes on Instagram, try any popular Lighttime or one of these services.