Promotion methods in social networks 2020

Promotion methods in social networks 2020

SMM techniques are changing so fast that you need to always keep your finger on the pulse. What methods are relevant in 2020?
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2012-07-20

The fastest and most stable growing direction of Internet marketing for 5 years now is SMM, or promotion in social networks. Methods in this area are constantly changing, and any SMM agency (especially in Moscow) constantly "keeps abreast". We will list the main and established ones. 

Community Marketing

Speaking in Russian, the development and promotion of communities. Want to sell dog food? Create a community for the owners of tailed and eared, gather a loyal audience in it, and then sell them feed. 

This method works well on Vkontakte, in Odnoklassniki (and generally wherever communities are formed - for example, the new Yandex Aura). 

Targeted ads

From the fact that you create a community (or become a blogger), the earnings of a social network will not particularly increase. Therefore, the efforts of the owners of Instagram, Vkontakte and other social networks are aimed at ensuring that advertisers use "official advertising" inside the site. 

Targeted advertising allows you to very accurately select the parameters of the audience where your promotion will be targeted. This is a huge plus; the huge prevalence of social networks, "big data" and artificial intelligence play a role here. 

The disadvantage of this method is that in many cases (for example, to recruit subscribers) it is too expensive. 

Opinion leaders

Gradually, we more and more communicate not with real friends (and live), but with virtual (in social networks). Therefore, authorities are now important "virtual". A blogger (or simply a person who is well-known in various circles) has an audience that is loyal to him. 

It can be thousands, tens of thousands or millions of people. In any case, advertising through such a leader of opinions has a good chance of success: the product is presented to the audience not by a soulless website (or an unfamiliar face "from the TV"), but by a friend - albeit virtual. 

Of course, there are much more methods of promotion in social networks. This is the development of a personal brand, and storytelling techniques, and a variety of online activities, giveaway and marathons. But most of them somehow come down to those that we mentioned.