Cheat live Instagram followers

Cheat live Instagram followers

Cheat live subscribers: madness and courage
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2001-07-20

Is there a cheat of live followers on Instagram, or is it a myth? And if there is, how to make it? We'll figure out! 

Cheat services

There are a huge number of services that promise cheat subscribers at the lowest prices (less than one ruble per subscriber). At first glance, the result looks great: you have several thousand subscribers in a couple of days, they are all with names and avatars. But ...

If detailed when studying, weird things come out. The majority of subscribers either do not have publications, or 2-3 of them. The profile picture is female, and the name is male (and vice versa). Very strange usernames ...

All this means that not live subscribers, but bots are wound. The wrapping services lie. 


There is a method in which subscribers will be alive. It is free, but it takes your time. To do this, in the search for hashtags on Instagram, find posts in the TOP with the tags #Piarigra, # follow4follow, # mutual subscription and the like. 

In the comments in them write "I will mutually subscribe." Go through previous commentators and subscribe to them, and in response to their comments, write something to everyone so that they understand that you came from this interactivity. 

This way you can quickly gain an audience. True, the number of your subscriptions will also grow, and if you start unsubscribing, half of the subscribers will track and unsubscribe (maybe not half, but a noticeable part). 

Cheat live subscribers on Instagram exist, but in any case you get an inactive audience. These subscribers will not like and comment on you, which means they will spoil the statistics, and Insta's algorithms will be unhappy with you.