Mistakes in promoting Instagram and social networks in 2020

Mistakes in promoting Instagram and social networks in 2020

5 mistakes in SMM promotion that will hurt your wallet
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2019-01-20

The advent of social media has hit the marketing world like spicy sauce on an empty stomach. Suddenly, all companies rushed to create Facebook, Vkontakte and Twitter accounts to communicate with as many customers as possible. However, many somewhere along the way, the basics of marketing, corporate communications and sales were lost, which made it possible to make erroneous assumptions about how businesses can manage their social networks. 

What are the main mistakes in promotion of social networks and Instagram in particular? 

There is no “ one the right way ”to control positioning on the Internet using social networks. The marketing strategy of each company should differ depending on specific goals and target audience. 

Size matters

Many small businesses equate the number of “likes” or “followers” __on Instagram to success, without realizing how important the quality of these likes and followers is. A large number of people subscribing to view your message does not necessarily mean an increase in sales or even an increase in long-term or sustainable brand recognition. 

The form is more important than the content

No matter whether it is used by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vkontakte or some other newfangled online platform, the content still has more weight than the medium. It has always been so. It's not about the platform or technology. Technology is just a tool, and just because young people have begun to use Twitter and Facebook in large numbers, do not think that older people cannot use them just as well. 

Social network guru

When you come across someone who positions himself as a “social network guru” or an expert, run away from them! All those working in this field should constantly practice and thus retrain. The fact that someone from the cool SMM agency wrote a book or publicly talked about what can and should not be done on social networks does not mean that this a person knows your business, as well as how to develop a concept and realize exactly your business goals. 

Social networks - “new” media

No, this is not so. Media is media. At one point or another, newspapers, radio, television and the Internet were considered new forms of the media, and now they are called "traditional" media. Thus, “new” media does not mean that only “experts” or young people can successfully manage your promotion on social networks. It's buulshit. Nothing can replace knowledge of the basics of marketing combined with knowledge of your goals, as well as combined with authenticity and transparency in your social networks. 

Only the PR agency can handle

No one knows your business so well as people who work inside the company. Of course, you can work with an agency to create and implement your efforts in social networks or to offer ideas for contests and the like. But when it comes to daily broadcasting of your latest news on Instagram, company employees seem to be more informed and suitable for this business in order to keep your customers (and potential customers) up to date and inform them of what is really important to them .