PR game on Instagram

PR game on Instagram

What is a PR game in Inst and how to advance with its help
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2028-05-20

PR game on Instagram: what is it and how to use it for promotion? 

The essence of PR games

The mechanics of this method of attracting subscribers are as follows. In the community or on a popular blogger, a post with hashtags #Piarigra, #Mutual Subscriptions and the like is posted. Further in the comments, those who wish are noted, leaving messages of the type “I mutually subscribe” and subscribing to those who commented on the post earlier. 

After that, it remains only to wait for reciprocal subscriptions. 


This is an absolutely free way to promote: it does not even require the cost of any programs or services. Unlike mass follow, in which the conversion to reverse subscriptions rarely exceeds 5%, there will be 50% or more subscriptions. 


The main problem of PR games is that subscribers are not targeted. They subscribe to you not to read, like and comment, but only to set their own statistics. In addition, because of this method, your own subscriptions are accumulated and the tape is cluttered. A noticeable part of the subscribers will not be completely honest and in a few days or weeks will unsubscribe from you, hoping that you will not notice and do not unsubscribe in response. 

Despite these disadvantages, for young PR accounts, playing on Instagram will be a good and quick way to gain the first 1000-2000 subscribers.