Social media types

Social media types

It's good when you have well-designed pages on social networks. But what to publish in them?
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2012-05-20

It is good when a company (or a person promoting a personal brand) has well-designed pages on social networks. But what to publish in them? At this point, those who engage in SMM promotion on their own make a lot of mistakes. 

Content types < / h2>
  • Information content
  • Entertainment content
  • Marketing content

The widest content type - information content - provides information about the product, brand, types of goods, methods of purchase, and so on. For example, in the case of SMM-promotion of a beauty salon, this may be information on how to care for hair, information on what types of coatings for nails are and so on. In any business for this type of posts you can find many headings and topics: about the product, about the details, about the features of the work, about the history of your business segment and so on. 


An example of informational content for a dress atelier. A short story about one of the types of fabrics will attract attention and tell about your product more than the general words "quality" and "natural materials"

The second type. Entertaining content - this is the case when the user does not need to "load" information. She's tired of him, he just wants to relax, have fun and be happy - roughly speaking, see a funny picture or a joke. Do not think or ponder, but just smile. Such content well helps to dilute other types of content, increase subscriber loyalty. 

Finally, the main type of content is the seller. This is the content that makes a profit, brings orders (leads) and purchases. It is necessary to pay attention to it first of all. The effectiveness of SMM promotion as a direct sales channel largely depends on what you say in the selling posts, how they are designed and how often they appear. Too frequent publication of such materials will frighten away subscribers, and too rare will result in your messages being lost in a sea of __other information that every user of any social network receives daily and every minute. 


Example of a selling post for an online outerwear store. Mandatory price and call = to-action with communication and purchase methods

These three types of content, in fact, close the user's “pyramid of needs”. Information content is needed so that the user "hooks", finds out information about your product or service, and in the future (by studying the details and other interests that you tell) imbued with respect for your expertise and, accordingly, trust. 

Entertaining content will make your monologue more interesting and relaxed; laughing at a funny picture, the user forgets that your goal is to sell him a product or service. Thus, brand loyalty is gradually increased in cases where the sale is not instantaneous and is preceded by a “warm-up” of the subscriber. 

Well, selling content already leads directly to the purchase. This can be a post with a specific product, an indication of the cost and a call to purchase, a post with a brief description of a service and a call to order it or something like that. Selling content may not look like selling, but perform its functions: for example, it may be a customer's review of a product. 


An example of a selling post for a cafe. In this case, the conversion is not a direct purchase, but a guest's visit to a restaurant

Of course, these types of content do not live apart, but mix with each other. For example, an information post about the features of laying foundations can be essentially a selling post, provoking readers to order the corresponding service. In some niches (often it happens in B2B), selling posts in their pure form are ineffective, but bring better results, crossing with information ones.