Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2007-05-20
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Site type Website for the sale of goods on the Internet (online store). The site contains information about: • Goods • Promotions and discounts • partners; • Companies; Target audience • Women. Color scheme. When developing the site's design concept, as well as when working out specific sections, the Contractor is guided by the Customer's branding and is based on the use of the logo and corporate identity. Mandatory elements • Logo • Promo block • List of categories Unwanted elements No strict requirements Corporate identity requirements The corporate identity bearer is a logo. It is advisable to use the colors of the logo when designing design blocks. Type of structure Concept structure - block. List of page templates required for rendering • Main page with module variations • Standard text page with various modules • Product card • Catalog • Basket • My account • Contacts • News and news feed • Search results • 404 • Site map • Print page • Form Feedback TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The graphic images used on the website should be optimized to ensure the highest possible website loading speed. All pages of the site, except as otherwise specified, must contain a minimum amount of contact information, namely: a block with a phone and address and a link to the contact and feedback pages, and a site map, print button. The following graphic elements are common to all sections of the site: • logo, as well as corporate identity elements; • presentation of navigation panels by sections of the site; • layout of functional elements and blocks; • graphic design of the main elements: headings, lists, links, diagrams, etc. For the main sections of the site, unique design templates must be developed that meet the general web concept of the site and corporate identity (common style, composition and location of the navigation menu, and other fundamental elements) to be used for all subsections of this section. All pages of the site should carry the navigation elements necessary to navigate the main sections of the site to which the user has access. It is understood that all pages of the site open in the same browser window, except where otherwise specified. For example: when the link leads to another site. Despite the fact that a separate version of the site for display on mobile devices (PDAs, smartphones, iPhone) is not developed within the framework of this ToR, the pages of the site should correctly display on these devices. All Flash elements that are not available for display on mobile devices must have corresponding gif stubs. Minimum resolution All pages should be optimized for visitor screen resolution of 1280x1024 and 24-bit color representation. In contrast to the above screen settings of users, all pages of the site should provide the necessary functionality in terms of accessibility of all sections of the site within the existing standards. The minimum resolution of the user's screen at which there will be no horizontal scrolling with the standard settings of the browser and operating system is 1024x768. Site positioning The site location on the user's screen with increasing screen resolution - centering. Font size When increasing the font size in the browser, the size of the main font on the site increases. Requirements for layout HTML-layout represents the process of creating html-pages based on the developed design layouts. For typesetting, it is necessary to use the HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 standard. The result of html-layout is html-pages, the design of which is identical to the provided layouts, with the exception of: 1. Custom fonts used in blocks with variable text. Their use is not recommended due to the likely absence of such fonts on the computers of most users, which will lead to differences between the original design and the html page. Therefore, such fonts are replaced with the closest in style from the standard ones at the layout stage. The use of non-standard fonts in graphic elements of pages and other design elements is allowed, since these labels can be transferred to the html page in the form of images. 2. "Smooth" fonts used in blocks with variable text. Not all browsers have functionality for smoothing fonts. Therefore, after typesetting, all blocks with variable text, where the “smoothness” of the fonts was laid, will lose it. Similar to the previous paragraph, this does not apply to headings and design elements that will be saved as images. 3. Multiple overlays of translucent elements. Different browsers display overlapping translucent images in different ways. The greatest “danger” in this aspect is Internet Explorer 7, in which to implement these effects it is necessary to use special software elements whose operation cannot guarantee 100% identity with the original design of translucent elements. Compatibility with browsers Web browsers, taking into account the versions in which the website is viewed without significant distortion: • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 and higher for the Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7 platforms; • Opera version 9 and higher; • Firefox (Mozilla) version 3 and higher for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. • Google Chrome • Safari 3.0 and higher SITE STRUCTURE, Figure 1: Initial site structure DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONAL: 1. Menu List of the main sections of the site. 1.1 About us Company information 1.2 Contacts 1.2.1 Map 1.2.2 Address, tel, fax and tp. 1.2.3 Feedback form 1.3 Legal information Some information 1.4 Suppliers Some information 1.5 Vacancies List of vacancies for applicants 1.6 Product catalog The catalog contains a list of goods with categories and subsections, which is filled through the CMS. A link from the site has been used to output data of a particular category or section of the Catalog 1.6.1 Filter by brand Displays a list of products relative to the selected brand. 1.6.2 Filter by age Displays a list of products according to age criteria 1.6.3 Filter by topic Displays a list of products according to one of the topics (For mothers and babies, Games and toys, Sports and leisure, Study and creativity, Furniture and textiles, Clothing and accessories) 1.6.4 New arrivals Displays the list of products last added to the site (descending from the date of addition) 1.6.5 Bestsellers Displays a list of goods sold through the site more often (it should be possible to specify them via CMS) 1.6.6 Stock products List of products which are sold by stock (Indicated through CMS) 1.6.7 Product rating Model for Maintaining Product Rating (Here you need to describe where and when the product receives the rating and the implementation of viewing the rating, there may be a withdrawal of goods by rating, then this will have to be inserted on the main page) 1.6.8 Cross Filter Gives the ability to display results using several criteria (List all the possible criteria) 2 . Help Section-instruction. It is a guide to using this resource. To be completed by a copywriter. Content: Text and graphics. 2.1 How to place an order 2.2 How to pay 2.3 Delivery 2.4 Shipment at own expense 2.5 Return 2.6 Exchange 3. Personal account - The module allows the Authorized person to view / edit their personal data, view purchases, view visited products, and view products added to their Favorites using The Favorites module while surfing in the Catalog section. 3.1 Login to your Personal Account Login to your personal account is carried out on each page of the site. If authorization is successful, instead of an invitation to enter, the name and patronymic of the person is displayed. 3.2 Registration When registering, the visitor must fill out a number of fields: Email. Mail (her login), Name, Phone number, To register a legal entity, there must be a corresponding Check box, when selected, fields for registration of a legal entity are added: Company name, TIN, PSRN, Legal address. Required fields are: Login (aka e-mail) Phone, password. After registration, the mechanism for confirming the mailbox should be implemented by clicking on the link in the email sent automatically by the site. 3.3 Forgotten password Password recovery is implemented using a password recovery email to the mail left during user registration. 3.4 Personal data The list of fields that will be stored in the personal account section (what the visitor indicates when registering) It is possible to edit the fields in addition to the password and login. The password is changed using the password recovery mechanism. It is necessary to list the list of fields 3.5 Favorite products The Favorites module allows you to add products to the Visitor's personal list (if it is authorized, if not, then when adding the product to your favorites, an authorization / registration window should appear ) when viewing the product. Each catalog item must have an appropriate link to place it in Favorites. The visitor can display a list of products in your account, or any other place provided by the design. 3.6 Visited products. List of products visited by the user (last 10 products). The visitor can display a list of products in your account, or any other place provided by the design. 3.7 Purchase History. The list of products purchased by the user can be displayed from your personal account. 4. Information The informative section of the resource is used for .......... 4.1. Article block and reviews. It can be placed on any page of the site at the request of the designer and / or customer. It contains from 3 to 5 articles or reviews in a short form and has a link for detailed viewing. When viewing in detail, a page opens with a list of articles and navigation through articles and reviews. 4.2 News block. It is implemented in the same way as Articles and reviews. 4.3 News subscription module. A registered visitor can subscribe to the newsletter by e-mail. The service must be disabled by the visitor in the Personal Account. If the user is not authorized, then offer registration / authorization. 5. Basket The Basket module is a standard basket implementation for an online store. Allows you to make purchases in the online store. 5.1 View basket View products in the basket should be available from any section of the site. When viewing the visitor should be able to delete or change the number of products in the basket. The possibility of continuing the selection of goods and purchases should also be realized. When processing goods, it should be possible to choose a method of payment and delivery. 5.2 Adding a product to the basket It should be done by selecting the number of goods and clicking the “add to basket” button from the product card or any other place provided by the design. When you click on the button, a pop-up window should be called up, offering to continue shopping or go to the basket to place an order. In this window, the visitor should clearly see and understand what he is buying. 5.3. Delivery of goods. The buyer should be able to choose the method of delivery of goods. 5.3.1. Delivery by the Courier. When you select the delivery by courier, the shipping cost will be added to the invoice as a separate line. If authorized, please specify the delivery address. 5.3.2 Pickup The buyer picks up the goods himself 5.4 Payment options The buyer selects the type of payment 5.4.1 Cash payment upon delivery by courier or pickup. 5.4.2 Bank transfer The manager invoices the client. 5.4.3 Payment by card It is implemented by the payment module of the payment system and CMS.