How to learn web design

How to learn web design

How to learn web design. What to study and where
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2007-11-20
p> How to learn web design? This profession continues to gain popularity for several reasons. 

First, in Russia, so far, a huge part of organizations do not have their own website. Leaders and large companies have gone far ahead in the technologies used in the work of sites and for their promotion, but there are also many who have not yet acquired a site on the Internet. 

Secondly, even taking into account the wide distribution of various site designers, individual website design remains in demand: this is the only way to convey the right meanings to the future visitor and induce him to take action. Although, probably, in 5-10 years, neural networks will allow you to create high-quality sites "on the machine." 

Thirdly, now this profession allows (if desired) to earn good money, working remotely from anywhere in the world. 

So, how do you become a web designer? What do you need to learn? 

General principles of design

In the design of sites there are general principles taught by "ordinary" designers: composition, color schemes and typography on the Internet are not much different from, for example, printing. Therefore, learning the basics of graphic design is definitely worth it. 


Suddenly? Indeed, why does a designer need marketing? But think about it: unlike booklets or business cards, a site is an interactive system that as a whole allows you to make a buyer out of a visitor (often even without the participation of a human manager). Practice shows that a designer who is familiar with the principles of marketing and advertising creates significantly more effective projects. And such work is paid better :)

Principles of HTML-layout

Of course, when studying web design it is not necessary to go deep into programming. But since the web designer and web developer will continue to use the result of the web designer's work, his layouts must meet certain requirements. In order not to redo the design 10 times later, it is better to learn in advance the general principles by which sites are created. 

In general, in order to learn web design, you need not only to have a good artistic taste and the basics of design education, but also to gain basic knowledge in related fields.