Building on content

Building on content

Based on the content. Web Designer Knowledge Base
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2026-09-20

So, you have a brief from the customer. Now, as it were, we need to draw a unique site design . To be creative. 

They always want creativity. Even if they say that "special creativity is not needed." It is important to understand what this means by the client and what you should understand. According to my observations, the client in 90% of cases wants this:
1. At least be different from competitors
2. Implement a moronic, meaningless idea on the site (usually this is taken directly from the head of the director)
3. See some decision that he personally has not yet seen on the Internet. 

It is clear that each of these tasks can be solved without suffering for three weeks in a creative search. How? I'll tell about this too :)

More about Creative Design:

Fu, creative! 
Starting from the content
Creative free then
Association Levels
Tuning Method
Tuning method
Method: distributed copy paste
Method: in emergency situations