Simple typography techniques

Simple typography techniques

Simple typography techniques. Web Designer Knowledge Base
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2021-10-20

It often happens that a good overall site looks disgusting because the designer ignores simple but important rules for working with text. In this lesson - briefly about the distextge of capital letters, the stroke of the letters, the design of lists and interniling. Follow these rules and create a website design that will be nice not only to watch but also to read. 

1. Number of fonts - 2. Semantic link - 3. Leading in headings - 4. Leading in text - 5. Substrate - 6. Distextging uppercase - 7. Listing

< h3> More about the style and font:

What is the style
Website Design in Clean-style
Material Design Style
Minimalism in web design
Graphic rhyme with logo
Mood from antiqua and grotesque
Simple tricks like rafiki
About the connection of mood and color
Graphic rhyme in fonts
Color coding