Verification of the prototype. Web Designer Knowledge Base

Printed 2010-10-20
This post completes the creative and prototyping section. This is a test.
So you made a prototype, maybe even drew the layout of the main page. Question: How effectively will what you have done work? How convenient will it be for the user?
Your task, if you want to make a really high-quality individual website design - conduct a small audit, usability analysis of your own layout.
How is this done. First you need to remember what kind of business the client has, who his customers and site visitors are. Come up with 2-3 cases, 2-3 fairly detailed life stories.
For example, there is an online store for fishing supplies. “... I live in a village, and there are few shops near where you can buy a really cool fishing rod, but I don't want to go to the city, I have some money, but not much. I go to the site upon request from Yandex.Direct and see ... ”And then you check what he sees. Will he see that the rod will be delivered to his village? Will he see that there are fishing rods at all? How will he choose cheap enough for himself? Is the buy button easy to find? What will happen next? That is, from beginning to end you say all the actions of the buyer and answer the question for yourself whether the site is convenient and understandable for him.
Next, take another case. “I am a wealthy person, I live in Moscow, sometimes I go fishing. “I want to go on Saturday, fishing rods in the country, and go to another place, I need to buy all the guys fishing rods.” In this case, I'm interested in how fast the delivery works, whether it is possible to buy a kit profitably. Check again.
More about the prototypes:
2 main ways
Sequential approximation method
Formula for creating a prototype a>
Semantic Link
Testing the prototype a >