Prostitute pages
Prostitute Pages. Web Designer Knowledge Base
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2006-10-20

This topic is close to the chapter "nano-ero-cat" from the section on creative. 

Here we will talk about how to not do it. If you do so, correct it. If the client wants so, try to convince or at least mitigate the negative effect of this shit. 

Now people spend a lot of time on the Internet, and when a person orders a design website , it is often familiar with popular trends . 

I want to talk about what happens when a whole arsenal of methods known to the designer or customer is thoughtlessly applied on the page. There's a banner, there's a slider, there's a countdown timer, a button “order a call”, an online consultant, and this and that. In general, all possible marketing chips are mixed in a bunch, which individually or in a small, limited set work quite well for themselves. But when all this is piled up, it turns out a prostitute page. She is painted like a prostitute and dressed up like a Christmas tree. Instead of the “sell" task, it solves the "shock" task. The person who was “lucky” to visit this page looks at all this graphic cacophony, all this graphic rubbish and realizes that he's been specifically spoiled for brain. 

The effect is obtained that is directly opposite to the original good idea. 

In general, if it comes to the prostitute page, try either to remove the unnecessary, or to combine some disparate blocks that are actually close. For example, a promo slider and an advertising banner can be combined and made more informative. If these measures are not taken, the customer sometimes doesn't take the job himself, complaining, for example, that there is “little air” in the layout. But you can't do anything about it already, because it's not in the air, but in the dirtiness of the page at the semantic level. 

More about marketing:

Communicating a Site with a Visitor
Mirror Principle
Three types of people
Emotional and logical thinking
Prostitute Pages