How to increase site conversion? 10 ways

How to increase site conversion? 10 ways

If your site has a lot of traffic but few conversions, you need to determine the reason
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2004-07-20

Each business owner wants to turnkey website development to get a product that motivates visitors well to take the next step: buy a product or contact the company. Going to this step is called conversion; at this moment, traffic turns into a lead or immediately to a client. If your site has a lot of traffic but few conversions, you need to determine the reason. 

The reason may be many factors. Believe it or not, web design can have a big impact on buyers and their choices. Studies show that offline product evaluation takes about 90 seconds. Website users make decisions faster: less than eight seconds. Their first impressions are about 94 percent related to design. Moreover, about 75 percent of users will evaluate your brand authority based on the design of your site. 

Most new site visitors are not ready to buy right away. They study options and compare you with others. Do you know how you look in this contest? Look at the websites of your market leaders. Then look at your site with some skepticism and healthy criticism. 

Here are 10 aspects to consider when evaluating your site's design and deciding which changes to your site will produce the best results. 

1. Color < / h2>

Performable changed its call to action button (CTA) from green to red, which increased conversions by 21 percent. Ript Apparel changed its button from green to yellow, increasing conversion by 6.3 percent. You can explore your audience yourself. If you are targeting women, focus on blue, purple, and green. For men, choose blue, green and black. (Obviously, these are generalized preferences) Least effective colors? It is believed to be brown and orange. 

2. Video

Product videos typically increase sales and conversion. The exact numbers vary, but some companies report an increase of as much as 144 percent. B2B or service companies can also use videos to share news or to tell about their distinctive features. 

3. Ease of use

Put the most important information on the first screen. Don't make people scroll and search for what they want. Make navigation simple so that users can easily and intuitively find content that isn't on the front page. 

4. Work out the USP

What is your unique selling proposition? If you do not know this, then this is your first and main problem. And the second? Your USP is probably not well presented to visitors to your site. Make it obvious to them why they should choose you. 

5 . Trust Symbols

Badges from Yell (or other review sites) and the PayPal certification logo are examples of trust symbols. You may have a safety sign or any other symbol associated with your industry. Customer reviews serve a similar purpose, but you must demonstrate them convincingly by removing doubts about their authenticity. Your goal is to make sure that your potential buyer feels as if he or she can trust you 100%. 

6. Free offers

If you offer a free product or service, make sure that the word “free” sounds loud and clear. For what reasons should a visitor use this offer (except for the fact of being free)? Your site should also explain how exactly you satisfy customer needs and solve their problems. 

7. Short forms

Potential customers do not want to indicate their city, street, last name, pet name and 25 other facts to get a free bun. Better in short: provide a name, email address and telephone. If you are currently using a captcha check, you can try disabling it for a while to see if this affects the conversion

8. Virtual chat

Now more and more people prefer online chat , instead of using the phone. They climb the menu, explore options and often need advice. Even if people do not want to communicate, they know that such an opportunity exists. This alone can increase confidence. 

9. Headings

The heading text should reflect the interests of your potential customers. Are they worried about timing? Interested in the process itself? Or results, achievements? Whatever it is, the solution to the problem should be highlighted in the title. 

10. White space

A cluttered web page looks ugly and seems cramped. Too many elements can confuse people and reject them. 

Bonus: A / B Testing

Although some web design standards are generally accepted and repeatedly confirmed, each industry and business will be slightly different. Successful companies continue to constantly test small changes on their site (for example, what happens if the color of the CTA button changes from blue to green?). Although you will often see only small changes in one direction or another, your site as a whole will be more effective. 

During testing, make only one change at a time. You can experiment with the color of the buttons, the text, or the layout of the elements. Then, depending on the traffic to your site, wait a few weeks before analyzing the data and deciding whether to accept the change or return to the previous version.