Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2016-04-20
Terms of Reference (abridged version for design) 1. General provisions The project should consist of the following sections and modules: - Home page - About the company - Clients - History - Catalogs - Catalog of materials - Catalog of tools - Where to buy - News - Photomaterials - Articles - Contact Information Site structure: Fig. 1 Site structure 2. Requirements for visual design 2.1. Using the company logo: the use of product design elements, such as a flower code: which can be seen at under the logo on the site and packaging illustrations: It is desirable to use colors logo (rainbow) : # 23982a, # fef527, # db5f12. 2.2. Each page of the site should contain: - the company logo - the main navigation menu - the search request form - ad units (no more than two; the choice of ad unit size is at the discretion of the designer, but from the existing standard sizes, and their location must be determined and agreed at the preliminary stage); - a list of cities where you can buy the company products (or an object for calling up such a list in one form or another) - a block of contact and legal information - a copyright block 3. Functional specification of sections 3.1. Main page The main page should contain: - a brief information text about the company-owner; - An infoblock of the latest news in the format “date-announcement-headline”, while the headline should be a link to the full text of the news; - the geography of a chain of stores (a list of cities in one form or another, in order to emphasize the scale of the company) - a list of categories of the materials catalog in the format: - Illustration (or icon) of the category - Title of the category - block of banners of key partners (Arsonsisi powder paints, MosBuild exhibition) The first order category of the catalog of materials (decorative materials) should be highlighted. 3.2. About the company The module should provide publication of information about the company in the form of arbitrary text, provided with illustrations (optional), including an image of an ISO certificate, as well as subsections: - History (text, illustrations) - Clients The Clients section should contain a list of company clients in the following form -te: - Company name (link to the site) - Full address - Phones 3.3. Material catalog The module must ensure publication of the material catalog in the following format: - Category - Illustration of the category - Name of the material in Russian (short description) - Name of the material in Italian (brand) - Illustration of the material ( packaging) - Description - Properties (set of properties in the form of icons) - Certificates (preview + fullsize by click) - Technical specification (PDF file) 3.4. Tool catalog The module should ensure the publication of the tool catalog in the following format: - Category - Illustration of the category - Illustration of the tool - Name of the tool - Dimensions The list of tools should be displayed in the form of a linear list consisting of blocks of a fixed size containing images of tools (with the possibility of enlargement), tool name and size list. 3.5. Where to buy The module should ensure the publication of arbitrary text, provided with illustrations (optional). The screen should display a dynamic map (based on Google Maps), on which dealers (one type of marker on the map) and Colorcenters (another type of marker) are marked, in the left column there should be a list of cities in which Color centers and dealers are located. By clicking on the name of the city in the left column, the map should be positioned in the area where the customer's sales points are located in this city. When you click on the marker on the map, a window with a brief description of the outlet with the ability to go to the profile of this point should pop up. Dealers and Colorcenters should appear on different layers of the card (there should be a switch for these layers). The profile of the point of sale (dealer or ColorCenter) must contain the following details: - name (for example, ColorCenter No. 1), - address, phone / fax, email, - operation mode, - location map (dynamic map, based on Google Maps), - the form for sending a letter to this point of sale, - photo gallery 3.6. News The module should ensure the publication of the company news feed in the following format: - Date of publication - Title - Abstract The title should be a hyperlink to the full content of the news in the format: - Date of publication - Title - Content (text and illustrations) 3.7. Articles The module should ensure the publication of articles in the following format: - Category - Description of the category - Announcement - Title The title of the article should be a hyperlink to the full content of the article in the format: - Category - Date of publication - Title - Content (text and illustrations) 3.8. Photomaterials The module should provide the display of photomaterials grouped into categories, with the ability to display categories in the objects "News", "Article", "Material profile". Photographic materials should be displayed in the form of a linear list of the following format: - Category - preview + fullsize by click - Name (optional) 3.9. Feedback The “Feedback” module should ensure the publication of contact information of the head office of the company (address, phone numbers, fax, office hours, other details), a hyperlink to the partner's info card in PDF format, and directions (Google Maps). The module should also provide the ability to send e-mail to the Customer's addresses by filling out a web form that has the following fields to fill in: - Sender's name - Sender's email address - Message text - Control textacter input field (CAPTCHA, Turing test) to protect against spam robots. After sending the form should display a message about the successful sending of the letter, and in