Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2021-04-20
Terms of reference for the development of the online store of men's accessories “Pepler”. 1. Description of the project The goal is to develop an online store that meets the following requirements: - creating a modern recognizable and ergonomic design; - intuitive and user-friendly interface; - beautiful and detailed pages of catalog objects; - Unique icons and custom fonts - optimization of order forms - individuals, cash payment, payment with electronic wallets, payment with Visa, Master Card (by means of an aggregator); To provide for the possibility of expanding the assortment by adding new product categories. The planned number of products on the site is no more than 100. Development platform - preference for standardized systems (that is, not an internal development of the studio) 2. Site structure The product is a website with the following structure: - catalog * - about the company - blog - payment and delivery - contact information * Catalog: - ties - subsections, in an amount corresponding to the number of product categories; - ties - butterflies - subsections, in an amount corresponding to the number of product categories; - personal account - basket 3. Content of pages and sections Common elements on each page 1. Menu with drop-down lists if there are subsections: 1.1. ties 1.2. ties - butterflies 1.3. Payment and delivery 1.4. Service 1.5. Contact information 2. About the company 3. Blog 4. My account 5. Basket + ordering (with the product added) 6. Logo (with a link to the main page - works on all pages except the main one) 7. Phone, working hours and form feedback 8. Basement - duplication of links to sections of the site Common elements on the catalog pages: 1. Recently viewed products in the form of a tape from the 3 most recently viewed products. Main page 1. Top Logo and title in the center. 2. Below is the horizontal ribbon of the menu (see the green section) 3. Below is the slider, the size is not defined (approximately 400 px high) 4. The slider changes automatically (30 second interval) or when you hover and scroll simultaneously. Used 3 photos. 5. Below 3 positions from the catalog (at the initial visit to the site - “new items”, it is subsequently replaced by another “new items” if there are more than three of them). 6. Below are the social icons. networks 7. Below the basement (the degree of elaboration and design at the level of the main menu, possibly on a slightly smaller scale). Catalog 1. The page header is similar to the main page 2. When you go to any catalog page (section, subsection, product), the left column is occupied by a list of subsections (up to 500 px wide). The active subsection is indicated by the icon and highlighted in the list. 3. Types of selection of sortings and quantity of goods on the page (12 or all, in the same row 4 positions). Go to the product page by clicking on any area of __the product description, except for the button "add to cart". 4. In the center of the product photo (500 / 400px), below the additional photo in a reduced size, by clicking on which the user displays the image in place of the main one. For each product no more than 2 additional photos. To the right of the product is the price, just below the price - “Basket” 5. Page paging (if there is more than one page). Product page 1. The page header is similar to the main page 2. Product name. 3. In the center of the product photo (500/400), below the additional photo in a reduced size, clicking on which the user displays the image in place of the main one. For each product no more than 2 additional photos. To the right of the product is the price, just below the price - “Basket” 4. Change in the quantity of the product (both with the signs “+” and “-”, and by entering a digital value in the field) . 5. Below the main photo - the product description is brief (dimensions, material, etc.). 6. Basement - similar to the previously described. Cart 1. The page header is similar to the main page 2. The list of products in the basket with the ability to change the quantity or remove from the list. 3. At the bottom of the page, the slider “branded packaging, etc.” 4. After confirmation, go to the data filling form. 5. In the center - a form (name, phone and email, delivery address, button "checkout" and the button "continue shopping") 6. The form for entering the address consists of two cells (the first is a drop-down list of cities where delivery is possible + MO, the second field is a free form for indicating the street, etc.). 7. For the city selected from the filter, the field "estimated delivery time" is filled out 8. Below is the button for confirming the order and agreeing to the delivery terms (with reference to the "Payment and Delivery" section) 9. After confirming the order, you will be redirected to the payment page choosing other than "courier upon receipt", the user is transferred to the site of the payment aggregator. 10. After the first order, the user is automatically registered, where the login is the method of communication indicated by him (phone or e-mail, if both fields are indicated - e-mail, password is generated automatically and sent to e- mail) Personal account. 1. Greeting, addressed by name. 1. The list of orders made from this account. The last order is displayed in expanded form (list of goods, date, order amount, delivery address), the rest is expanded by click. 2. When registering from an account - the delivery fields are initially filled in according with the last completed purchase. Blog 1. A typical blog page with the ability to view each individual post with comments and the possibility of self-comment. May contain text, links, and illustrations. It will be used for news, etc. About the company Edited through the site administration system. May contain links, texts, illustrations, Payment and delivery Edited through the site administration system. May contain links, texts, illustrations, Contact information Edited through the site administration system. May contain links, texts, illustrations, Administration System 1. Facilitated procedure for creating new products and editing products, subcategories and sections. The ability to temporarily disable the product from the catalog on the site. 2. Provide the possibility of automatic resizing of photographs for uniform formats. 3. Ability to edit all banners (on the main page for the slider and under the slider, banner section / subsection, banner in the product description) by uploading files to the server (formats swf, gif, jpg). Provide the possibility of affixing a link to the required page (functioning or newly created). Technical requirements: 1. Technical optimization with the ability to edit the title, keywords, meta tags, etc. 2. Unloading the assortment in XML formats and customer data after registration. 3. The ability to synchronize the range in manual and automatic modes. Pages requiring approval by the customer in the design: 1. Main page 2. Menu with drop-down lists 3. Section / subsection page with a table view 4. Product page 5. Typical text page (about the company, payment and delivery, contact information,) 6. Personal account page 7. Cart page 8. Order pages 9. Order confirmation page 10. Blog section page 11. Blog entry page 12. Pop-up forms (tips for incorrectly completed forms, adding to the basket, gift in the basket, empty search queries) An approximate (schematic) view of the site.