Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2026-04-20
Terms of Reference for the development of the site The site should be for stupid! 1. The purpose and objectives of the site It is necessary to create a modern, fast and intuitive user site. Tasks of the site: 1. Increase the search for visitors from search engines Yandex, Rambler, Google. 2. Make an impression of a well-made resource 3. Attract attention 4. Increase customer confidence 5. Provide a comradely, beautiful, high-quality 6. Easy search and order of goods Website goals: Attracting and servicing retail and wholesale customers on the topic (fashion brand jeans). Therefore, the site should: 1. Initially, be made so that it is well searched for the relevant requests (product, brands, style). 2. Create a favorable impression of the store with potential buyers, as reliable, solid, stylish and reputable in the segment of fashionable informal clothing. To inspire confidence and desire to make purchases in our store. 3. Work on a modern technical base (presumably Bitrix Small Business); Have an easy, light design, easy navigation, use flash (in moderation, without loss of performance); 4. Provide an opportunity for retail and wholesale orders from the site (online store) 2. Approximate concept of the ONLYJEANS online store. Address of the new site Site name Onlyjeans - fashion jeans store. Website description. Online fashion youth jeans store for retail and wholesale buyers in Russia. Catalogs with descriptions, photos, prices. Online order. Keywords Praposprplmplob Site type Internet shop. Target audience Men Women from 15 to 40 years old, Income average - above average income Fashionable, stylish Website language Russian General requirements The company website is based on the Bitrix small business management system. Navigation on the site, the user's path is presented in all sections, in the center of each page. Internet users can browse the company website using the MicrosoftInternetExplorer browser above version 5, Opera, FireFox. Design of the site 1. Simple (very simple) and intuitive interface (navigation) to maximize the user's perception of information (I liked the site and ideally would like take all the best from the sites, and 2. Selection of primary colors: white site, dark gray black or gray thin lines, gray headers 3. The appearance of the pages should look like a single whole 4. The graphic design should be well optimized Menu Mandatory fields (heading and none bottom line of the site) The Menu header is located horizontally as on There will be buttons: - Delivery - Wholesale - Promotions Buttons should hover when the cursor is over, if it is inactive gray, then when you hover over it becomes red. Basket at the top right. Links to social networks at the bottom (at least 10 pieces - ALL social networks!) Required fields that are always present: all the heading of the site and all information at the bottom of the site must be present Logo - at the top left Phone - at the top center Basket - at the top and Register - under the basket Below the buttons (Delivery, Wholesale, Promotions) there is a bar as in our advantages: - A very quick response to your request - Free delivery quickly throughout Russia - Quality assurance for all goods The lower band of the site At the bottom of the site there are three columns (as on the website where there are five, and we have three), which are also always present on the site: HELP - Support Service - Place an order - Delivery of goods - Payment methods - Returns DETAILS - Login - Edit Profile - Edit Address - Order History - Favorite products JOIN - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Classmates - Google + - YouTube - instagram Homepage On the main page in the center there is a large rectangular window with changing screensavers (promotions / news / news / holidays, etc. ) Right two large buttons under each other MALE and FEMALE These two blocks (a rectangular window and two buttons) should look like a single whole Below is a strip of goods that moves slowly with prices below it (new items, promotional items) Button page MALE or FEMALE From top to bottom (immediately under header) are the product images (4 in a row and endlessly down) Sorting is located to the left of the photos Sort for men size Color Brand Price Style Sort for women Size Brand Price Style Product photo Location photo as on the website clothes / muzhskie-d-insy / - photos in four in a row, large When you hover at the bottom of the photo, the sizes in stock are also displayed. Also, the “quick view” function is displayed. /870/men.aspx but reduce the amount of info, leave only: name price article number color composition by it's more robust (from this button to get to the full page of the product unit) add dimensions to the basket to postpone for later it is important: large (very large) draw a cross in the upper right corner of the preview page and large draw arrows to the left and left when you hover over the photo to increase the elements of the photo as here http: // www / catalog / 870 / men.aspx the ability to add several photos to one unit “Full page of a unit of goods” Everything is the same as in a full page, but add a description of the model Links to social networks Obligatory but take into account the button on the left for fast scrolling upward; the button on the left to go backward; the photo of the product should increase upon hovering Navigation Make a through line navigation throughout the site, the path of the user on the site so that he can return to any section of the site in a click. Technical requirements 1. Storage of frequently updated information in the database. (All items of goods that come to the warehouse are promptly entered into the database and stored in an active or inactive state, depending on availability) 2. Maximum protection of service data (service interface) from external penetration. 3. Platform independence (any operating system, including Windows 2000, MAC OS, Linux). 4. Identity of the presentation of information in any of the frequently used browsers of the user (Opera 6.0 and higher, IE 5.0 and higher, FireFox). 5. Maximum optimization of the size of all pages (very fast loading). Delivery On any day from 10.00 to 22.00 in the product description field there is an icon to add to the basket (or simply “to basket”), when the buyer has found his product and presses the button in the basket, the message “added ”Is displayed with the soundtrack http: // and parallel to the basket (the basket on the right, like the logo is always visible), the changes made to the product are displayed. The message “added” remains on the added product. The possibility of further viewing the goods remains throughout the entire phase of adding to the basket. In the basket: - Name - Article - Height and weight (important!) - Price - Qty (editability) - Discount (the ability to hold discount promotions on a number of goods, and an automatic discount when buying from 15000 rub !!! !!) - Cost - Recalculate - Delete The user can delete goods from the basket, change the number of goods in the basket of one item. When you click on the "place order" button, the field below with delivery options smoothly opens (as on the site When choosing a delivery method, the total amount is recalculated automatically. When choosing a delivery method, it smoothly the fields for placing an order are disclosed even lower: different fields depending on the method and city of delivery. !!!!! (an unfinished idea here http: // vpmshop. com / component / jshopping / quickcheckout? Itemid = 0 3.9 Ordering This section displays user's basket with goods, without the possibility of editing. if it falls for the first time, it must fill in the contact information: * Name * Phone: * Delivery address: ** Delivery date ** Time interval: 3 intervals (from 10.00 to 14.00; from 14.00 to 18.00; after 18.00) ** Comments *** index *** Full address *** Checking the spelling of the full name A registered user can enter his login and password to autocomplete contact information Registrat ion: First name Last name Phone Address Login Password Email Do you want to receive notifications about updates and promotions: yes / no Perhaps something else ...