Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2028-04-20
DATABASE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT of an Information platform for mining companies 1. GENERAL 1.1. The subject of development The subject of development is the creation of a site for the company "ZIMPLAST" 1.2. Project goals The project goals can be represented by the following list: • Development of the official website for the ZIMPLAST mining company. • Installation and configuration of the content management system "proEngines". • Creation of a new visual interface for the CMS "proEngines", and the refinement of its modules to the needs of the customer. • Creation of a platform within one site, for the possibility of further copying and launching projects for other companies in this industry. • Writing an RSS news feed parser and creating an output system, in the form of textts on the site, and maintaining the company stock ratings. • Development of a marketing kit for the presentation of ZIMPLAST 1.3. Project concept • The project is developed on the basis of a contract and technical specifications, and a visual sketch of all pages drawn up jointly with the client. 1.4. The structure of the Internet resource and navigation The main page includes the following blocks: 1.4.1 Heading with company elements, company contacts and a search field on the site. 1.4.2. The main menu with drop-down subsections 1.4.3. Image slider 1.4.4. Block of press releases 1.4.5. News module 1.4.6. Report Block 1.4.7. Block about the company 1.4.8. Block prices and promotions 1.4.9. Basement site with a duplicate menu and map. Modules on the internal pages: 1.4.10. Side menu with subsections of the second and third level 1.4.11. textt module 1.4.12. Reporting module 1.4.13. Conclusion of press releases 1.4.14. The module for detailed output of all news 1.4.15. The text part that can be changed using the visual editor 1.4.16. Form to send an application (Vacancies) 1.4.17. Newsletter Subscription Form 1.4.18. Subscription module for RSS 1.5 Language support The Internet resource is available in English. The administrative interface is implemented in English. 1.6 Authentication and authorization For visitors to the Internet resource, all information that is published by the administrator for general viewing is available. To work with the administrative interface, the site administrator needs to authenticate using the login and password that are issued to him by the DEVELOPER. Authorization of the administrator for working with the administrative web interface is carried out by standard means of the web server used. 1.7 Modules 1.7.1 Parser of exchange rates and plotting A module for parsing exchange rates from the Yahoo.Finance platform will be written for the site. The module will be implemented by means of curl requests to the API system, Yahoo.Finance, at the following address:$company_name&a=2, where $ company_name is the name of the company which is indicated by the administrator in configuration file. The module works according to the following principle: - Every day at 18:00 Moscow time (GTM + 3), the script contacts the Yahoo.Finance server through the CRON task scheduler (without operator intervention in the work). - The script collects the following information about the company and enters it into the portal database: Date, Volume, Close (Price at the close of trading). - The second part of the script builds 2 graphs by means of accessing the database with a Date step and a Volume value. And the second with a Date step and values __from Close. - textts will be made in the form of an interactive interface. 1.7.2 Press release output module This module allows you to download information from the Yahoo API. Finance, at the following address:$company_name®ion=EN, where $ company_name is the name of the company that is specified by the administrator in the configuration file. The module consists of two parts: 1) The visual part - which allows you to display company announcements in a beautiful interface on the site. 2) The administrative part with the help of which the administrator can enter new announcements both manually and using the Parsing button. The following fields will be used in the module: - Title - Link (URL) - Date - PDF file 1.7.3 News module The module allows you to enter / edit and delete news on the company website. Each news consists of the following parameters: 1) Date 2) Announcement 3) Detailed news 1.7.4 Visual editor The system will fully reconfigure the visual editor based on the platform: All blocks of the text part for the portal administrator will be available for editing in as-view mode, and filling them is supposed at an intuitive level. The editor panel will contain text controls (boldness, tilt, etc.), as well as a system for uploading images to the site. 1.7.5 RSS Subscription Module This module allows a site user to subscribe to the portal's RSS feed. Implementation on the principle as on this page: Possible subscription options: Announcements, News. The server part of the module automatically generates an rss feed for the given sections of the site. 1.7.5 Email Subscription Module This module is a form, with an e-mail input field and a subscription button. By clicking on the button, the user is shown a message about a successful subscription, and the user's e-mail goes to the site database. Access to the e-mail database is carried out by the administrator from the control panel. 1.8 Organization of information The standard functions of the Information Resource Content Management System allow you to fully edit the text and graphic contents of the information block. As for the navigation unit and corporate identification, it is possible to edit only its individual elements: editing the contents of navigation menus, editing contact information. Other customer requirements are implemented using specially created means of the publication system, a list of which is determined at the design stage and is formulated in this terms of reference. This is due to the fact that this unit provides the site's availability and forms the basis of its design. Therefore, the intervention of a user who does not have special knowledge in the field of Internet programming in editing this unit is unacceptable. 1.9 Site map 1. Home 2. Company 2.1 History 2.2 Strategy 2.3 Photo gallery 2.4 Board of directors 2.5 Executive management 2.6 Corporate governance 3. Development 3.1 Project 1 3.1.1 Overview 3.1.2 Geology 3.1.3 History 3.1.4 Development plan 3.2 Project 2 3.2.1 Overview 3.2.2 Geology 3.2.3 History 3.2.4 Development plan 4. Operations 4.1 Project 1 4.1.1 Overview 4.1.2 Geology 4.1.3 History 4.1.4 Development plan 4.2 Project 2 4.2.1 Overview 4.2 .2 Geology 4.2.3 History 4.2.4 Development plan 5. Investors 5.1 Disclaimer 5.2 Factsheet 5.3 Announcements 5.4 News 5.5 Reports 5.5.1 Financial 5.5.2 Quarterly 5.5.3 Annual 5.5.4 Reserves & resources 5.6 Presentations 5.7 Webcasts 5.8 Quotes and textts 5.8 .1 Stock 5.8.2 Commodity 5.9 Top 20 Shareholders 5.10 Capital Structure 5.11 Email alert 6. Sustainability 6.1 Safety 6.2 Community 6.3 Environment 7. Contact Us 7.1 Career 7.1.1 Current positions 7.1.2 Summer intern 7.1.3 Students 7.2 Suppliers 7.2. 1 Information 7.2.2 Open tenders 7.3 Social networks 1.10 Information pages This module allows you to place pages containing text, graphic and video information, plug-ins in the structure of the information resource. 2. DESIGN 2.1. External representation The site design will be carried out in accordance with the approved sketches of the key pages of the site. The style of the site is based on the wishes of the customer and the corporate identity of ZIMPLAST. An individual design for the pages is being developed: - Home - Template style - Reports - Webcasts - Corporate governance - Career - Contacts A set of individual stylized icons for the site is also provided. As part of the design work, a presentation template (marketing kit) is also created, with a volume of up to 20 pages. Site layout will be done using Bootstrap technology, which is fully adaptive for all platforms and devices, including smartphones with Safari (iPhone) and Chrome Mobile (Android) browsers. 2.2. Administrator interface The pages of the administrator interface will be made using decorative graphic elements and will provide a visual representation of the available information and a quick transition to the main sections and functions of the system. 3. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE The requirements for the hardware and software are as follows: • The Internet site is a distributed client-server application. • The server part of the software, in turn, is divided into a database server (relational database management system MySQL RDBMS) and application server (a set of scripts, modules and PHP classes, Apache web server). The server part provides the functioning of the Internet site according to the terms of reference. • Client application - web browser. A web browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) is used to view the Internet site by visitors, as well as to manage information on the site by the administrator. • The full functionality of the site administrator interface is guaranteed only in Google Chrome browsers. The responsible employee of the CUSTOMER has the ability to manage information on the site using a web browser using a personal password. 4. LINGUISTIC SUPPORT The implementation of templates is based on the specifications of the HTML 4.0 markup language. As a result, the correct operation of the section is guaranteed in the browsers Internet Explorer (starting from version 11), Opera (starting from version 9), Mozilla FireFox (starting from version 3). The website should correctly display on users' devices with installed operating systems IOS, Android and Windows versions not lower than WindowsXP. 5. RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS 5.2.1. Security requirements The system must ensure the correct separation of user access rights. The system software should ensure that there are no known application-level software vulnerabilities to attacks of failure and unauthorized access. 5.2.2. Performance requirements The necessary software for the site to work must be installed on a hardware platform whose performance is sufficient to effectively serve visitors to the created resource. 5.2.3. Sustainability requirements The site should be maintained around the clock with acceptable breaks for prevention and troubleshooting no more than 5 hours per month. With a correct restart of the hardware and operating system, the functioning of the site should be restored in full automatically, without operator intervention. 6. TESTING AND QUALITY CONTROL It is envisaged to test the operational reliability of the site in the amount of normal operation (100-300 visitors per day). Testing will be carried out in the following hardware configuration: • MySQL database server; • Apache web server; The first level of testing is carried out by the development team. The second level of testing is carried out by the CUSTOMER's specialists during the test operation. For testing purposes, the customer can attract customers from Russia and foreign countries, set various, including peak, loads on the website, and form specific orders. Errors and shortcomings identified at this stage are eliminated by the Contractor at his own expense within the time period established by the Agreement. 7. DOCUMENTATION As part of the work on the project stage described in this TOR, the following documentation should be created: - Guide for the site administrator (instructions for working with the site); 8. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Technical support of the Internet resource is carried out under a separate contract for technical support. The information and technical support service will help the Administrator of the Internet resource from the CUSTOMER to cope with any difficulties encountered during the operation of the Internet resource and the Content Management System of the site (Publication System).