Terms of Reference (TOR) for the development of the university website
Printed 2014-05-20
1.1. The subject of development
The subject of development is the site of the university.
1.2. Project goals
Project goals can be represented by the following list:
- Design. Website concept development.
- Creating an online store design.
- Installation and configuration of the content management system proEngines.
- Writing additional system modules.
- Site layout
1.3. The concept of the project
- The project is developed on the basis of the contract and the terms of reference drawn up jointly with the client.
1.4. The structure of the Internet resource and navigation The main page includes the following blocks:
1.4.1 Heading
1.4.2 Menu block
1.4.3 Block social networks < br> <1.4.4 News module
1.4.5 Voting module
General design guidelines
1.4.7 Before developing a visual image of the site, the main pages are prototyped.
1.4.8 The design is being developed with a focus on the usability of the site
1.4.9 The graphic image, design style and color scheme are chosen by the contractor to emphasize the solidity and reliability of the resource, without distracting the visitor to unnecessary graphic elements that do not carry a functional load.
1.5 Language support The Internet resource is performed in Russian. The administrative interface is implemented in Russian. 1.6 Authentication and authorization
For visitors of the Internet resource, all information that is published by the administrator for general viewing is available. To work with the administrative interface, the site administrator needs to authenticate using the login and password that are issued to him by ABOTCH _KOM. Authorization of the administrator for working with the administrative web interface is carried out by standard means of the web server used. A page editing rights management system will be created for administrators of different groups.
1.7 Organization of information The standard functions of the Content Management System of an information resource allow you to fully edit the text and graphic contents of an information block. As for the navigation unit and corporate identification, it is possible to edit only its individual elements: editing the contents of navigation menus, editing contact information. Other customer requirements are implemented using specially created means of the publication system, a list of which is determined at the design stage and is formulated in this terms of reference. This is due to the fact that this unit provides the site's availability and forms the basis of its design. Therefore, the intervention of a user who does not have special knowledge in the field of Internet programming in editing this unit is unacceptable.
1.8 Site map
1. Home page 5. Contacts
2 Modules
2.1. News The ability to edit the number of displayed news on the main one in the configuration file (config.php) - news categories (tags) - highlight the main news (1) - display news by date added (the date can be changed thereby adjusting the order of issue manually) - output of an additional news feed (for example, upcoming events, conferences, etc.) in the sidebars of the site - the ability to upload photos to the news - news archive
2.2. Feedback - user creating forms and displaying the form on the necessary page by connecting the module {module_feedback} - indicating in each form an e-mail to receive information from it - the ability to edit / add fields (via the cms template) - antispam (captcha img) - the ability enable file upload / files of user-defined types
2.3. The system of polling visitors - an arbitrary number of polls - choosing 1 or several answer options - the ability to include photos in the answers to the poll - archive of polls with page navigation - setting the start and end of the survey 2.4. Photo gallery - crop and rename downloaded photos - sort gallery sections by user - sort files in gallery by user - split output of gallery sections into pages
2.5. Photo gallery Creating an arbitrary number of FAQs and connecting to the necessary page - pre-moderation of questions (status published or not) - setting up a user e-mail for notifications of new questions - possible reply (by administrator)
< br> 2.6. Information pages This module allows you to place in the structure of the information resource pages containing text, graphic and video information, plug-ins.
2.7. Search Search string on all pages of the site. The search is carried out according to the textual content of information pages and is displayed in order of relevance in the format: Page title, part of the found text, link to the page.
3.1. External presentation The following stages are distinguished during the development of a design: 1. Designing a site structure and prototyping key pages (main page, course catalog, course page).
2. Development of a graphic concept for the main page of a site.
3. Adoption of the graphic concept of the main page of the site.
4. Development of the design of all additional pages of the site that require individual design.
5. Development of the administrator interface.
6. Approval of the site design. The customer specifies the requirements for styling, filling out a brief on the site design. The brief template is provided by the contractor as an Appendix to this Terms of Reference. The customer also provides the necessary graphic materials, including the logo, logo of a higher organization, corporate identity elements, photo materials, certificates, licenses. Administrator interface The pages of the administrator interface will be made with minimal use of decorative graphic elements and will provide a visual representation of the available information and a quick transition to the main sections and functions of the system. The style of the interface is chosen by the contractor and is not subject to detailed processing in the process of approving the overall design of the site.
3. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE Software and hardware requirements are as follows:
- The Internet site is a distributed client-server application. - The server part of the software, in turn, is divided into a database server (relational database management system (MySQL DBMS) and an application server (a set of scripts, modules and PHP classes, the Apache web server). ensures the functioning of the website according to the technical assignment - The client application is a web browser, the web browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) is used to view the website by visitors, as well as to manage information on the site by the administrator. - The responsible employee of the CUSTOMER and it has the ability to manage information on the site using a web browser using a personal password. The full functionality of the site administrator interface is guaranteed only in Internet Explorer browsers starting with version 9.0 and higher.
The templates are implemented based on the specifications of the HTML 4.0 markup language, and as a result, the correct operation of the section i s guaranteed in browsers Internet Explorer (starting from version 9), Opera (starting from version 9), Mozilla FireFox (starting from version 3) _the website should display correctly on computers of users with the installed Windows operating system version no lower than WindowsXP , with a monitor resolution of 1024 * 786, 1280 * 1024.
5.2.1. Security requirements The system must ensure the correct separation of user access rights. The system software should ensure that there are no known application-level software vulnerabilities to attacks of failure and unauthorized access.
5.2.2. Performance requirements The necessary software for the site to work must be installed on a hardware platform whose performance is sufficient to effectively serve visitors to the created resource.
5.2.3. Sustainability requirements The site should be maintained around the clock with acceptable breaks for prevention and troubleshooting no more than 5 hours per month. With a correct restart of the hardware and operating system, the functioning of the site should be restored in full automatically, without operator intervention.
6. TESTING AND QUALITY CONTROL It is envisaged to test the operational reliability of the site in the amount of normal operation (100-300 visitors per day). Testing will be carried out in the following hardware configuration: - MySQL database server; - Apache web server; The first level of testing is carried out by the development team. The second level of testing is carried out by the CUSTOMER's specialists during the test operation. For testing purposes, the customer can attract customers from Russia and foreign countries, set various, including peak, loads on the website, and form specific orders. Errors and shortcomings identified at this stage are eliminated by the Contractor at his own expense within the time period established by the Agreement.
7. DOCUMENTATION As part of the work on the project stage described in this ToR, the following documentation should be created: - Site Administrator Guide (instructions for working with the site);
8. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Technical support of the Internet resource is carried out under a separate contract for technical support. The information and technical support service will help the Administrator of the Internet resource from the CUSTOMER to cope with any difficulties encountered during the operation of the Internet resource and the Content Management System of the site (Publication System).