Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2004-05-20
Terms of reference for site transfer General information - online store of automotive electronics. Currently, the site runs on CMS Shop Script 3. Many changes have been made to the CMS, self-written scripts. The site is located on a dedicated server, traffic is about 3,500 people per day. Required: • Transfer the site to Bitrix CMS • Keep the current functionality and increase to the required • Set up the CMS administrative panel for the company business processes Functional requirements Showcase • Geolocation and delivery options Determination of the visitor's location with the possibility of manual adjustment . Linking delivery services and their tariffs to settlements with the ability to edit tariffs by the administrator. Display of tariffs of delivery services in the product card, order form. When manually choosing a settlement, the visitor should be offered a choice of several of the largest cities. In the form of manual entry of the city, tips sorted by the size of the settlement should appear, indicating the name of the point and region. • Quick search When entering a query into the search field, preliminary results should be displayed in the form of mini-cards of the product or the name of the category with its logo. • Callback Phone input field, AJAX processing. The call request should fall into the administrative panel in the form of an order. • You watched The output of goods recently viewed by the visitor • Information modules The output of the information we need: certificates, banners, modules of social networks. Including a banner- “carousel”, “ears”. • Recommended products Display of recommended products, the ability to manually edit the list. • Blog (news) The ability to create information pages, display their previews in the information module. • Integration of Tinkoff Bank, RBK-Money or Yandex.Wallet, e-commerce Google and Yandex, affiliate network GdeSlon, SDEK, EMS, ShopLogistics Goods • Type and textacteristics Creating types of goods, assigning them to goods. Creation of textacteristics, their binding to types of goods. The ability to create multi-level textacteristics (for example, car make, model, year of manufacture). • Quick order Checkout from the product card. Phone input field, AJAX processing. In response to the submission of the form, the order number should be displayed. • Pre-order In the absence of goods in stock, the pre-order form is similar to a quick order. • Discontinued If the product is discontinued, withdraw its analogues instead of the price and buttons. • Rating and reviews. Possibility of rating (five stars) in the product card. To write a review, you need fields similar to Yandex.Market (advantages, disadvantages, commentary, stars). • Promotions and certificates Display information about promotions and the availability of certificates (with customization through the admin panel and depending on the manufacturer) • Recommended products and accessories Listing is manual and based on textacteristics. • Installation Display information on installation conditions (configurable through the admin panel) Categories • Filter and quasi-categories Filtering into categories based on product textacteristics. The ability to select multi-level textacteristics, instantly receive an answer about the number of options as a result of filtering. When choosing the parameters, those parameters that do not belong to the filtered goods should “fade”. It should be possible to create quasicategories - assigning your title and description to the filtering results. In the administrative panel, it should be possible to create a list item in which it will be possible to mark a set of parameters in a given category, the name of the quasicategory (its title) and description (arbitrary text). • Tags. It should be possible to create tags for products, define a set of products for them. For example, in GPS beacons: “smallest” • Discounts, popular, new items. In each significant category there should be an opportunity to view products in the above groups. The significance of the category can be determined manually. • Sort by popularity Sorts products into categories according to a given algorithm. For example, (number of sales in the last three months) * 5 + number of views in the last three months. Basket • AJAX basket with order form Automatic price recalculation based on a change in quantity, entering a promotional code, etc. Checkout on the basket page, incl. quick order. • Recommended products Offer to add additional products to the basket based on the contents of the basket or order amount for free delivery. Administrative panel • Order statuses, search Separate delivery and payment statuses of orders. Delivery date and delivery type for each order. Search for an order by number, phone number, status, products in the order. • Documents Quick printing of cards for orders, TORG-12 consignment note, documents for shipment to transport companies (indicated in integrations above) • Goods Archive category - not participating in the search, hidden in the window. Cloning of goods. Product status “on order”, display of this status in the product card marked “from 3 to 5 days”. • Export Export in YML format for several sites (with different labels), upload for Google, upload in a freely configurable format. • API Interaction with several stores on Yandex.Market (main and several for the regions), Wikimart. Technical requirements • Bitrix composite technology • Responsive design • Modern layout BEM-naming or the like. HTML 5. Compatible with browsers prior to IE8. Lack of JS and CSS code in the markup. Using class for CSS authentication and id for JS. Div layout. Semantic layout. • Making changes and improvements while maintaining the ability to update the CMS and template (upon purchase of a turnkey solution)