Report on impression line items in Yandex Direct

Report on impression line items in Yandex Direct

When working with search campaigns, it's important to keep track of which positions your ads appear on. How to do it and why?
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2001-12-20

When working with search campaigns, it's important to keep track of which positions your ads appear on. How to do it and why? 

Report on impression and click positions

Do I need to raise my bid to get more traffic? Is it possible to make clicks cheaper without losing a significant part of them? It is useful to use the Report Wizard to answer these questions:


Report Wizard settings: you need to display the position on which ads are shown on average and the position on which clicks occur on average

If for some keywords of an impression and click position> 4, this means that the ads are mainly shown below the search results. On the contrary, if these indicators are in the range from 1 to 3, then the ads are always at the top and collect the maximum traffic. 


Example statistics. Yellow phrases for which impressions are in warranty are highlighted below the search results; They have less CTR. Phrases are highlighted in green for which impressions are in special placement: their click-through rate is much higher