Updates to Yandex Direct

Updates to Yandex Direct

Another method of increasing the clickability of ads on Yandex search. When does it work and how to apply?
Julia Digital marketer

Printed 2024-11-20

Another method of increasing the clickability of ads on Yandex search. When does it work and how to apply? 

How do refinements work


What an ad with clarifications looks like: the part of the UTP that did not fit in the header and text of the ad is now shown in the clarifications

  • On the search, refinements are shown only in the first position in the special placement
  • Unlike quick links, they are not clickable
  • Refinements allow you to convey more information to the user
  • Refinements are good to use in search campaigns, in toryh rates are sufficient to show on the first position. This will increase the CTR: the ad itself will become larger, and if you clarify important facts and advantages, it will be an additional incentive to click on your ad specifically. 


    Updates are stored in a separate database of the advertising account, and you can conveniently add them by choosing in the interface when editing an ad or working with XLS files