How to get recommendations in Tik Tok

How to get recommendations in Tik Tok

5 ways to get into recommendations in Tick Tok
Michael CEO&Founder

Printed 2010-03-20

Videos that fall into the Tik Tok “Recommendations” often gain 200 times more views than before in your account. Accordingly, the number of likes and subscribers is growing. 

Surprise and good humor

This is perhaps the main way. Make sure that the short 15-second video has an unusual, intriguing plot and a rzhachny end to the video. The tie should arouse interest, so that a person just starts watching a video. The roller should not be boring: the tension must be kept to the end. The better the statistics on views, the more likely it is to get into the recommended. 

Video quality

Of course, not only video resolution matters. The video should have good illumination, a good composition of the frame itself (oh how!). Use filters for video and effects (for example, slowdown / acceleration) to make it more attractive and interesting. 


There are two options. Either the soundtrack should ideally fit the plot of the video, or it should be trendy. In the second case, still make sure that the dynamics of the music matches the dynamics of the video itself. 


In Tick Tok at the time of writing this article (March 2019), there is still a promotion method that was previously popular on Instagram. Using trend hashtags can significantly increase the number of video views and the chances of getting into the “recommendations”. For example, tags could be:

  • # like4like
  • # l4l
  • # comment4comment
  • # c4c
  • #feautereme


This is obvious: the more subscribers you have initially, the easier it is to get to that level of video's viewing, starting from which it will be released in recommendations. Therefore, attract subscribers and actively communicate with them. 

In general, in order to get recommendations in Tick Tok, you need a cool funny video, trend tags and music and subscriber activity. Just that :)