This situation arises when creating news portals, blogs or simply reference sites. There is a lot of text - not enough graphics: how can you make a website fun?
Printed 2025-06-20
This situation arises when creating news portals, blogs, or simply reference sites. There is a lot of text - there are not enough graphics: how can you make the site boring?
1. The obvious way is to add graphics. In different ways: the entire width of the text, like sidebars, circles and so on.
2. Use icons. There is a list in the text - do it with shootouts. There is a list of key points - highlight them with icons and highlight them in a separate block.
3. Even if the site is completely textual, you can still divide the information into parts. Highlight headings - with boldness, color and saturation, indentation. Make subtitles.
4. Highlight quotes - in italics, quotation marks, callout, underlay.
5. Some additional information or comments can be placed at the side of the text, made in small print.
6. Highlight important information bold, font size. Fatty catches your eye right away, italics - when reading.
7. If there are a lot of paragraphs that are stupid and hard to read. Make one paragraph a little lighter than the previous one, and alternate them - just do not be foolish! It should be very neat and soft changes.
8. Highlight the lists with font size and indentation, with a background.
9. Make the structure block. The graphics on the site will be that there are blocks (with borders, a shadow or without them).
All these methods are simple; choose which ones to reward in one case or another to make the website design individual and get away from the feeling of a “sheet with text.”
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Icons in web design